====== Fireballs Workshop #3 on Fireballs and their Detection ====== **13-14 August 2022, Glasgow, Scotland** In cooperation with Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure, a series of four workshops bringing together different networks of fireball observers and machine-learning experts are being arranged over two years. This series is aimed at: i) the development of a common data format and/or common entry point to the observational data of the different fireballs networks, and ii) machine-learning science cases for meteor observations. The next workshop will be held in conjunction with the 85th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society in Glasgow (14–19 August 2022, [[https://www.metsoc2022.com/|https://www.metsoc2022.com/]]). It will be conducted in **hybrid** form, i.e. both in-person and online participation are welcome. This is the third workshop of the series, and its main topics are: * continue discussing and exploring the possibilities of a common entry point to all data, reports on recent activities; * continue discussing Lunar impact flashes, observation networks and software; * Introduce topics of meteorite recovery, strewn field estimation and dark flight calculation; * continue discussing and identifying machine learning science cases for fireball observations. === Workshop Details: === **Date:** 13-14 August 2022 \\ **Workshop Program:** tba \\ **Registration:** closed **Organizing Committee:** \\ Günter Kargl ([[guenter.kargl@oeaw.ac.at|]], [[europlanet-iwf@oeaw.ac.at|]]) Detlef Koschny ([[detlef.koschny@esa.int|]]) Ute Amerstorfer ([[ute.amerstorfer@oeaw.ac.at|]], [[europlanet-iwf@oeaw.ac.at|]])